Multifamily real estate investors are not only able to seek higher annual rates of return, but are also able to take advantage of numerous other benefits as compared to those who invest in traditional stocks.
Stock investments are highly susceptible to ever changing market conditions and overall market volatility. Investments in multifamily real estate, on the other hand, are valued based on their net operating income which does not go up and down with every news headline. It therefore offers more stable, predictable returns.
The stock market allows investors to make capital investments insofar as they may purchase stocks at face value. In multifamily real estate, however, that same capital investment can be favorably leveraged by buying property with fixed rate financing to acquire a higher valued asset, thus giving investors access to a larger portfolio.
The IRS does not allow depreciation on stock investments. Multifamily real estate, allows investors to depreciate their property across 27.5 years with an ability to accelerate the depreciation schedule through cost segregation.
When selling stocks, you pay 100% of the capital gains, whether you held it long-term or short-term. Tax on those gains is a fixed percentage for long-term and it’s based on your ordinary income for short-term. With multifamily real estate you pay very little tax, if any. It's possible to use a 1031 exchange to roll over your capital gains into another property of equal or greater value and defer all f your capital gains tax.
Investments in stock products like ETFs and mutual funds often carry fees as high as 2.5% which are not always included in traditional return projections. Multifamily real estate also comes with fees such as acquisition fees, asset management fees, and property management fees, however, all of these fees are factored in before the calculation of return projections.
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